StitchBuddy for iOS Preview


As it has been quiet for some time I'd like to tell you about the current development of StitchBuddy, which is keeping me busy for the last and definitely for the next weekends…

StitchBuddy HD and View will be combined into a single application, working on iPhones and iPads with identical features. So finally you will be able to convert and combine designs and even make modifications on iPhones. On iPads the app is going to use an optional split view, providing a great overview of your gallery while editing a design. Performance will be improved, and you will be able to search for designs in subfolders, and select all stitches of one color.

StitchBuddy for iOS is going to replace StitchBuddy HD and will be a free download with all features, but saving designs will be limited to max. 1,000 stitches per design. Like in StitchBuddy for Mac an In-App purchase will remove this limitation, but customers of StitchBuddy HD will get all features for free. As a consequence StitchBuddy View is going to be discontinued

I'm really thrilled about this update, harmonizing user experience under macOS and iOS, but it will take the greater part of spring to have it coded and properly tested. So please be patient and I hope you'll understand that Facebook and web site updates are rare…