Frequently Asked Questions
Does StitchBuddy transfer designs to my embroidery machine?
Basically speaking StitchBuddy does not support the transfer of designs to an embroidery machine: It reads and writes files from devices natively accessible in Mac OS X.So if your embroidery machine can read removable media, e. g. USB pen drives or flash cards, StitchBuddy can directly read or write those designs. But if your embroidery machine requires special devices, like the Vikant Ultimate Box or floppy disks, you have to rely on additional software: 3rd party drivers, mostly available for MS Windows, only.
Even on USB devices it’s sometimes difficult to place designs at the right location. With StitchBuddy you export a file after selecting your embroidery machine. Afterwards StitchBuddy will perform some checks and navigate you to the right folder (Janome, only).