This article is outdated since StitchBuddy v2.12.0, but kept for reference

Frequently Asked Questions

StitchBuddy-QL’s preview is too slow on my G4 iBook

Disabling 3D effects enhances StitchBuddy’s performance, especially on older Macs. The Quick Look plugin uses the same preferences as the application. One option to disable the 3D effect is to start StitchBuddy (even in demo mode) and uncheck the viewing option "3D Effects". If you haven't installed StitchBuddy or you didn't register it and the evaluation period has expired, enter the following command at the Terminal to disable the pseudo-realistic preview effects of the Quick Look plugin, then log off and on again (reactivate 3D effects with „NO“):

defaults write DrawFastMode YES

Plugin versions prior to v2.1 didn't use StitchBuddy's preferences. If you're using an older version of the Quick Look plugin, the following command will disable the 3D effect:

defaults write StitchBuddyQL_fastMode YES

This article is outdated since StitchBuddy v2.12.0, but kept for reference