Frequently Asked Questions
Outline / Fill a Shape
Shapes are defining the area of a design to be outlined or filled with stitches. View this chapter for more instructions how to define a shape.
- Once a shape is created using individual or standard paths, its outline can be stitched with running or zigzag stitches.
- If all subpaths are closed a shape can be filled with Tatami stitches, either with a default or customized offset sequence.
How to outline / fill a shape
- Use the menu item "Design" - "Add Shape…" or the corresponding toolbar icon: A new window for defining and stitch shapes will be shown.
- Create a new shape or modify the existing one as described in this chapter.
- Select an outline stitch type if you want the shape's outline travelled by stitches:
- "Single Run Stitch" is following the shape's outline with a single stitch after the other. Straight lines are divided into stitches of equal length up to a given maximum Stitch Length, and curves are approximated by short stitches. This option can also be used to create an underlay of straight lines for a wide zigzag line or a fill.
- "Triple Run Stitch" is similar to the "Single Run Stitch" option, but every step is stitched forth, back, and forth again, creating a more prominent line.
- "Zigzag Stitch" is creating a stitch sequence crossing the shape's outline back and forth. The width of a zigzag outline is controlled by the Stitch Length, and Spacing reflects the distance between two parallel stitches. Smooth curves are followed by a zigzag line while sharp angles will result in corners.
- Select a fill type if you want the shape filled (requires closed subpaths):
- "Tatami (1/4 Offset)" is filling the shape with parallel lines, stitched back and forth. The Stitch Length might be shortened at the beginning or ending of a line. Spacing is the distance between two lines of the same direction, which is controlled by the Angle. Stitch points of every line are shifted by ¼ of the stitch length, so they are at the same offset every fourth line. Basically this is a "Tatami (Custom)" fill with an Offset Sequence of "0246".
- "Tatami (Custom)" is working like the "Tatami (1/4 Offset)", but you can control the offset sequence: Up to eight digits 0-7 can be entered, representing line offsets of n/8 of the stitch length. For example the sequence "04" will cause two different fill lines, the second line with stitch points just in the middle of stitches of the previous fill line. An offset sequence of "0044" will have a similar effect, but with two equal fill lines next to each other.
- Normally fill lines end with the last complete stitch before meeting the outline. This might cause an irregular edge of loose fills with large spacing. You can force stitches to exactly meet the outline by checking the "Backstitch: Borderline" option. This will cause very short stitches when used for dense fills.
- Wide zigzag outlines or fills require proper underlay stitches.You can create underlays after adding the original shape by drawing straight lines over the corresponding area. Add the new shape's outline with "Single Run Stitches" and use StitchBuddy's thread list to change the stitch order: Move the underlay before the filled shape by drag & drop or using the context menu item "Stitch Earlier".
- A complex shape with multiple parts overlapping in direction of the fill angle will result in fragmented fill patterns and multiple jump stitches. Use the "Stitch Simulator" to check how a fill is stitched. If the shape consists of multiple subpaths, adding stitches for each subpath separately might help to reduce jumps and creating a design of higher quality.