StitchBuddy Knowledge Base
Finding information about StitchBuddy has become much easier!
StitchBuddy's support articles (FAQs and video tutorials) have been moved into a knowledge base, which is not only offering some navigation similar to the previous pages, but also features a full-text search: You can enter one or more keywords of your problem, and the search result will show all relevant articles, and each article includes links to all related posts in the same category. You can also browse through the navigation, learning much more about StitchBuddy
This knowledge base is an additional benefit after internally improving StitchBuddy's support mailbox: With a new incident management I can better track and organize mails, including direct access to former conversations, tags, and FAQ articles, and new solutions can be published much easier.Please be aware that legacy links to support articles will take you to the knowledge base's main page: Unfortunately it was not possible to map every article directly to its new address. And although I tried to match the layout of StitchBuddy's website, the knowledge base still looks different - in my opinion only a small drawback, out-weight by the advantages.