StitchBuddy 2.18 - Thread Files
StitchBuddy v2.18.0 is available for macOS and iOS. It is incorporating some minor improvements, e.g. a condensed title / toolbar and fixed Automator Actions with macOS 11 "Big Sur", and a thread list with flexible width.
But its major update is a new way to handle vendor thread charts.
I already tried to move away from ".threads" files, adding a lot of complications for users as well as app development. But unfortunately there were some issues with iCloud synchronization.
Now additional ".threads" files are finally no longer required to save extended color information. Designs with legacy files are automatically migrated, further details of the approach can be found in this FAQ article.
This change not only tidies up your design folders, but gives a lot of opportunities to improve StitchBuddy even further.